YOU ARE HERE: Social Creatures, The Iconic Like

Each week, we like to cover topics with global importance but with relevance to you.

It all started 10 years ago when Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook idea went viral. Ten years ago, a new world was created. Soon we gathered hundreds of what we call friends. Friends you have, but you don't see. Some you see, but don't know. Friends you can communicate with at any time of the day regardless of where they are. Social media is a new world where you can socialize with just about anyone and anywhere. "Likes" have become iconic. People have become desperate for more online admiration. Likes don't grow on trees, but they can grow in click farms. A Click farm is a large group of low-paid workers hired to either like, follow, or share. Basically fans and followers you can buy. Likes, views, followers, and shares determines what shows up on our newsfeed and what type of news we see. "Likes" are affected more than we think. 

Listen on some experts weighing in their observations in social media and how marketing has now become a hand in hand job.